Category:Personality Assessment

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Please note that the pages of assessments referred to on this website are currently under construction.

The personality assessments listed on this site have been studied at GRI (Groweth Resources Institute) to understand behavior assessments and their applications better. This project was started in 2002 and has been enriched over the years with new assessments and analyses.

The information provided for each assessment is not intended to be exhaustive but to answer questions about its origin, what it measures briefly, and the recommended usage by its publisher. We sometimes provide a few comments and references when available. We eventually contrast the dimensions measured by the assessment with the factors of the behavior-factor-based approach that we deploy at GRI.

There is a large variety of behavior assessments. Some are only used for research purposes, while others have been abandoned over the years but remain in use through paper-pencil. Others, again, are sold and used by publishers and consulting companies. We mentioned the publishers when we could identify them. Do not hesitate to reach out if you see any omission or error. We will do our best to correct this.

All names mentioned here are the trademarks of their respective publishers. Please note that the analysis provided only represents the views of GRI and not those of others.